There are also thousands of comments on the pornographic images from fellow users urging one another to add more and more raunchy photos or inviting them on to other social networking sites to message privately. For example, the are 135,000 photos tagged 'latte', but 201,000 tagged 'instasex'. Other more graphic tags also have tens of thousands of uploaded images.Īnd the explicit material is now overtaking ordinary but popular searchers. Tags such as #instasex and #instaboobs have more than 200,000 photos. The range of filters, including vintage, sepia and black and white, were originally intended for innocent photos and users flocked to the site to exhibit portraits, pretty sunsets and culinary creations.
The development will concern parents as children as young as 13 are allowed to open an account and there are few safeguards to prevent them seeing such images.
Search terms such as 'instaporn', 'handbra' or 'sextragram' each bring up tens of thousands of sexual images.